.:Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri:.


Selamat Hari Raya kepada semua muslim dan muslimat di seluruh dunia penulis ucapkan. Dikesempatan ini, penulis menyusun jari untuk meminta maaf sekiranya terdapat salah dan silap sepanjang perkenalan kita. Dan sesungguhnya penulis telahpun memaafkan sesiapa yang pernah membuat salah terhadap penulis sekiranya ada.

Hari raya tahun ini agak kurang meriah, mungkin kerana sanak saudara tidak pulang ke kampung seperti dulu. Ketiadaan arwah nenek yang baru sahaja pulang ke Rahmatullah beberapa bulan dahulu kian terasa selepas arwah atuk. Rumah penulis dahulunya pernah memuatkan 12 keluarga, tahun ini mungkin hanya 3 keluarga sahaja termasuk keluarga penulis. Namun, hari raya tetap menjadi hari paling bermakna dalam hidup penulis.

Akhir kata, penulis ingin meminta maaf sekali lagi kepada semua dan mengucapkan "Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidilfitri".

p/s: kpd rkn2 sermh atau jiran, jgn lupe bawk kuih raya byk2x. Nanti kita bedal ramai2x. ^^
9/26/2008 03:01:00 PM

.:Human & Animal:.

The story begin when I'm sleep, I heard noise from outside of my room said, "anak kucing berak merata!!", and someone keep yelling to everybody. And I? Continue my sleep even though I know what happen. I woke up for sahur at 3.30am and I see the shit gone cause someone may wash the floor outside my house. There are two kittens outside my house, with their mom + pop that I take care and always feed them. The problem is the kittens always "berak merata" outside of my house. They are still young, still didn't learn from their mom and pop how to defecate at the right spot.

The main topic is, why human is so "berkira" with this matter. Of course the shit smell stink, what shit belong to creature that smell not stink?? People and animal, both of them have brain. The difference is God gifted human with "akal" that enable human to think and animal don't. If the animal can think same as human, the kittens will go to toilet and defecate in the bowl and after that flush the toilet. Cats have its own way to defecate, that is dig hole at the sand and bury the shit with the sand after that. Even there are human that didn't flush after defecate, are they mindless too or an animal??

Now, why we were babies our parent wear us pampers?? Even we can walk after 1 years, we still wearing pampers don't we. When we 2-4 years, we still need help from our parent to defecate at the toilet and when we 7 years old we can take care of our hygiene by ourself. From the start about 7 years, we learn how to defecate when our parent teached us. How about animal? Kittens is samely as human babies, they learn when the grown up by looking at the bigger cat. Are their mom or pop teach them how to defecate?? "Come here my childs, I want to teach you how to defecate, first we need to dig a hole in this sand, after that of course we defecate and the last thing is we need to bury this shit with the sand so that human wouldn't see it and less smell will be produce", a cat talk to their kittens.

Did the fish teach the small fish to swim? Did the tiger teach the cub how to hunt? Animal act by their nature, not by thinking. Even a tame lion at the circus can attack human because by the nature the lion is predator.

Why?? Why human too "berkira" with this mindless animal. If I'm selfish, I will just ignore people said and keep the kittens but I'm not. After discuss with yus, we will send back the kittens to the cafe "again." 3 weeks ago we have done it, but someone took the kiitens back to their house that one row with our house. I think 10 block of house far between our house to them. Somehow the kittens are back with their mom in front of my house about 3 days ago. Even cats know their owner and can back to home. I don't teach them, I don't give my address to them. So how??

p/s: I gave name to the kittens are kelabu and hitam. Their mom, muna and their pop, oren. Actually I gave name to the cat by their colour. Muna got her name from actually owner that is my friend. I keep oren from the last years when he still kittens, and now he have two kids. ^^ If kitty still alive, I think more kittens will be in front of my house. A tribute to kitty~
9/10/2008 04:08:00 AM

.:1st Internship Offer:.


Today I woke up at 11.30am, actually I set my alarm at 10.00am but I think I sleep again after I turn off the alarm. ^^ Suddenly came Azeem to my room with some letters on his hand and requesting 50cent for service. I was blurr and I talked to myself, what the hell is his talking about. He gave me the letter and I read it, it's actually a letter from Hi-Tech Padu Berhad to say that I've been selected for internship program at that company.

I was blurr again and I'm thinking did I sent application to the company, somehow I remembered when Pijoy asked anyone want to intern at the company and I replied yes. ^^

Actually I waiting for confirmation from Bursa Saham Malaysia, three days ago a man called me about the application and asking me a few of question. He short listed my name and Pijoy to send to HR department for intership at his department. He asked me if I know about ASP.net and PHP and I answered that I didn't learn it at university, but I can explore it by myself. Finally the man said I capable to learn and I got good history, so he said wait for confirmation from HR department and end of conversation.

9/08/2008 02:19:00 PM

.:History of Me Using Computer:.

This is my first blog in English, I don't know why and it's just my feel to write it anyway. I just wanna share about my experiece using computer from the first time until now. Somehow the memory suddenly flying around my mind while I'm asleep.

1995 : I think this is my first time using computer, a personal computer (PC) brand Apple that owned by my uncle. At that time, operating system that people used is Windows 3.x where all you can see is command prompt. I play my first game that called "Doom",shooting alien game but I can't playing long because it's too violent to me to handle.

1998 : I got my first PC, a reward from my parent because I got straight A's in UPSR. Actually I got this PC before the result known. ^^ The specification of my first PC is Intel Celeron 333MHz with 32MB ram and 10GB harddisk I think. Additional at that time Internet were famous, so my parent register for a tmnet dialup 1515 for me to use. After a month, this is my first time mistake and the power supply was exploded because I change the setting from 230w to 240w at the back of the power supply. I didn't tell anyone, I just tell that the power supply suddenly exploded by itself. ^^

2000 : My first time reassemble my PC by myself and I learn how to format harddisk and also make partition using "fdisk". "fdisk" is the basic program to create partition in command prompt before come the handy GUI (graphical user interface). And I'm also upgrading my PC with Intel Celeron 1.2GHz and 128MB ram by myself and of course the money i got from my parents. ^^ I also learn at my school creating a simple webpage using notepad with html coding. I'm helping my teacher in creating the simple website for his project with my friends and I got reward from this, maybe RM10 I think.

2001 : I request to upgrade my PC again after I manage to get straight A's in PMR also. This time I buy my external modem 56kbps because my internal model strucked by lightning. And also I buy graphic card so that I can play game smoothly.

2002 : This is my first time joining competition to create a webpage. I've been selected with others three member to form a team. This competition called "Pertandingan Jejak Bestari", it's competion for all Bestari school to join and compete with each other. 4 month my time were spend to this competition, I'm skipping my class often, it's because the competition become school project and my teachers approve me to stay at the computer lab. In the end, we got 2nd runner up in the competition. ^^

2005 : Finally I got into KUKTEM, currenltly known as UMP for Bachelor of Science Computer (Software Engineering). I'm making my way to go deeply in computer, more and more,day after day. My future have been decided long time ago, I know what I'm capable of, what I'm gonna do and what I'm gonna got. The road I'm taken isn't easy, but I'm know I can do it. Because there's nothing else I like except spending 24/7 in front of computer. ^^

2007 : In this year I make my own PC because of my laptop crushed. This PC is like my sweetheart now, I spend a lot of money to upgrade her and now she served me well. :)
9/07/2008 11:25:00 PM

.:Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan:.


Di kesempatan ini, penulis ingin mengucapkan selamat berpuasa kepada sahabat2x dan ingin memohon maaf sekiranya terdapat salah dan silap. Sepatutnya post semalam, tetapi terlalu banyak perkara yang perlu dibuat (format pc, install software, pasang motherboard pc dll). ^^
9/01/2008 12:16:00 PM