Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, will be the last day of my life at UMP. I know my decision is correct when I choose to take Computer Science course at UMP or formerly known as KUKTEM. I have a really good time here, I've got many friends that helping me a lot. I got the sweetest memories I ever had in my life, even the bad memories also. I've to thank all my friends that supported me from the first year until the final year and the final semester would be our Practical Training. After that, we will separated toward our practical place and we can't be together anymore.
Our journeys are still continue, we still have to look forward to our future. We still don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I pray all the best for all of you to fulfill your own ambition and dreams. My ambition is to learn about Computer as much as I can, because it's the only thing I can give my life to. If the road that will be taken are different for each of us, I still be praying for your success. I hope that we will be on the same road again in the future.
Last words from me, I hope that all of you forgive me for any mistakes that I've done. I'm just a normal person who do mistakes sometimes. I also forgive all of you, as long as I know everyone is kind to me and I never holding grudge to all of you. I will be gladly helping you guys, just message me and I will help if I capable to. Thanks~!
Our journeys are still continue, we still have to look forward to our future. We still don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I pray all the best for all of you to fulfill your own ambition and dreams. My ambition is to learn about Computer as much as I can, because it's the only thing I can give my life to. If the road that will be taken are different for each of us, I still be praying for your success. I hope that we will be on the same road again in the future.
Last words from me, I hope that all of you forgive me for any mistakes that I've done. I'm just a normal person who do mistakes sometimes. I also forgive all of you, as long as I know everyone is kind to me and I never holding grudge to all of you. I will be gladly helping you guys, just message me and I will help if I capable to. Thanks~!
My Life
11/26/2008 10:50:00 PM
gewdluck wan tuk LI.. jangan windu2 UMP.. bulan 8 kter dtg sneh tuk konvo pulak... huuu~
yosh.. btul tuh shuwa... rindu shuwa xpe.. jgn rindu ak sbb kte rumah skali nnti wakakaka...
gud Luck rumate =)
Sedih2... HUhuhuhu
bye bye Wan. smuga jmpe agi =(
good luck in ur future undertaking, wan!!!
aja aja~!!