.:PSM Poster Final:.

PSM Poster Final

Finally, I have finished my poster and today mr yux and others go to Kuantan for printing with special guest. In the morning, we went to Majlis Sambutan Hari Raya UMP at Sport Complex and there was so happening with students, lectures and staffs. Because we were quite late, so there's too many student queue up to get foods and I can only eat beef soup and beehun soup only. After that, we went home and guess what, after 5 minute we arrived someone is coming with red coloured motorcycle parking in front of our house. He is Azmi bin Muhammad.

Azmi is one of our friends who go practical already this semester, unlike me and others who extend for doing Undergraduate Project II. He comes here to send his log book to supervisor which he forgot to send it with the practical report. We talk a lot about life during practical, experience and so on. At 2 p.m. he go to faculty while others are make preparation to go Kuantan. And me, I can't follow them because the car is full and I just wake up from sleep. ^^
10/23/2008 06:35:00 PM

.:PSM Poster:.

PSM Poster

Last night, I have spent whole night to make my PSM poster using Adobe Photoshop CS3. It's been a long time since the last time I used Adobe to make banner, poster and so on. So I have forgot all the techniques and skills in Adobe also lost my brush collection. Fortunately, there are mr yux and mr pjoyz helping me in giving idea to do the poster. It's getting late at 4.30 a.m. and I was so tired, so I stopped at there and rest. This is poster that not complete yet and I will uploaded after final touch. ^^
10/22/2008 01:28:00 PM

.:UPDATE: New link:.

To all my friends and whoever visited my blog, i have changed my url blogspot into this url:-

new link:


old link


Genocide, means slaughterer at the war field or someone who do killings so much and become legend. This is name from a manga which I have been addicted long ago and I play Counter Strike game using this nickname. So, its time to me to change it because it's quite unsuitable with this blog. Anyway thanks to all which been following this blog from it's created. Honto ni arigato gozaimasu~!
10/22/2008 11:36:00 AM



Today is my first time watching this movie although it has been released a few month ago. My wish is to see the movie at the cinema but I can't make it seems it is showed during my holiday plus there is no cinema at Kelantan. Film that directed by Kabir Bhatia, the same director for C.I.N.T.A film that showed in two years ago really not disappointed. The actor and actress play their role very effectively and the story plot is really really good.

In this film, three love stories are the main plot and the stories have connection between each other. It is different with C.I.N.T.A that five love stories have no connection at all but happen in the same place or area. And of course the main different of both film is the entity of the film that are "lonely" and "love". Kabir Bhatia brought the audiences to feel deep into "lonely" world which is felt by the character in the film and it works.

I wish that I'm at the Adam's place, there is a girl loving him so much although she is not mentally well and "terencat akal" a little bit. She quite obsessed with Adam since primary school until they grow up and her love is pure. It is better than no one is loving you, but the thing is if there has a chance, grab it or you will regret later. I really love Adam character, when I saw him I felt like I saw my ownself in the film. Both of us quite same in term of physical, characteristic, and feelings. If it true then I hope I will get the same ending like Adam. ^^ End~!

Actor and actress in S.E.P.I

10/13/2008 08:45:00 PM


Hey guys, I just adding a music background to this blog. Just for fun actually. The music or song that will be played is one of my favourite songs. I will change it weekly maybe, or just let it be. Hope you all enjoy~! I start with Hinder - Lips of An Angel..
10/10/2008 11:34:00 PM

.:Dapur Arang:.


Terasa pula kebosanan melihat PSMII yang tak siap2x. Ingin dikongsi bersama rakan2 semua kisah penulis bersama 3 orang lagi sahabat mengunjungi sebuah gerai makanan yang terdapat di Gambang.

Alkisahnya kesemua cafe di UMP masih belum dibuka semalam. Kami berempat keluar ke Gambang untuk mengisi perut yang kelaparan dan apa yang menyedihkan kesemua restoran yang sentiasa dikunjungi oleh kami sebelum ini masih belum dibuka. Nasibbaiklah terdapat sebuah gerai makan yang berhampiran dan kami memutuskan untuk mencuba makanan di gerai tersebut. Gerai kayu yang diterangi oleh lampu kalimantan tersebut tentulah tidak seberapa berbanding dengan restoran biasa.

Selepas melabuhkan punggung di atas kerusi plastik, datanglah seorang perempuan mengambil pesanan. Salah seorang sahabat bertanyakan makanan apa yang disediakan, jawab perempuan tersebut bahawa sayur dan daging telahpun kehabisan, justeru itu nasi goreng kampung, nasi goreng usa dan nasi yang bersangkutpaut dengannya tidak dapat dibuat. Nasi goreng pataya, nasi goreng ayam, kuey tiau sup dan mee bandung menjadi santapan kami berserta 4 nasi goreng pataya yang dipesan oleh rakan2 di UMP yang tidak dapat keluar bersama kerana hujan.

Kelambatan makanan sudah dijangkakan, kerana hanya terdapat seorang tukang masak yang menyediakan makanan. Sambil melihat Majalah 3 di TV3, kami menunggu dengan penuh kesabaran. Namun salah seorang sahabat menyedari sesuatu yang pelik di dapur gerai tersebut, iaitu sebuah cerek air yang sedang dijerang di atas dapur arang yang dibuat daripada tanah liat. Alangkah terkejutnya kami kerana masih ada yang menggunakan dapur arang untuk menjerang air yang selalunya dijerang di atas dapur gas @ cerek elektrik.

Cerita ini belum tamat disitu, penulis menyedari dari perbualan para pekerja yang bertanyakan "adakah nasi sudah dimasak". Penulis pun menjeling ke arah dapur arang tersebut, sebuah periuk besar telahpun diletak di atas dapur arang tersebut yang kemungkinan besar mengandungi beras untuk dimasak dijadikan nasi. Penulis tertawa di dalam hati dan membiarkan sahaja tanpa memberitahu sahabat2 yang lain. Akhirnya diperasan pula oleh sahabat tadi lalu memberitahu kepada yang lain. Memang agak ganjil dan amat jarang sekiranya kita singgah di mana2x gerai @ restoran yang masih menggunakan dapur arang untuk memasak nasi @ menjerang air. Dimana gerai tersebut?? Carilah gerai2 yang terdapat disekitar Gambang.

  • Masakan : 4 Bintang
  • Layanan : 2 Bintang(Lambat)
10/05/2008 03:10:00 PM